Saturday, February 1, 2014

Food Memories

Every time you sit down for your daily sustenance you are presented with an opportunity to create a food memory. Anything around you can play into this memory, but ultimately the multi-sensory effect of eating, creates a strong reference point in your mind to associate with anything going on around you- be it positive or negative. Everyone has food memories: a first date, what you ate right after a surgery, or that time you first tried your favorite restaurant.

Some of my most prevalent food memories (involving dining out) are associated with a small little Chinese restaurant in Troy Ohio. Lee's Garden Restaurant would sit in a graveyard if not for the train tracks that almost cut through the place. As a young child, I loved the treat of going to Lee's. Everyone had a usual menu Item that they would  get every time, it was only recently that I began to break my limiting habit (my mother still gets her chicken fried rice!).

Recently I was in the area and heard of the restaurant's closing (or soon to be closing) and was so devastated of knowing that soon those food memories are all I'd have left. What was I expecting though? Lee was the chef here for my entire life! It is however, time to for Lee to retire. And from now on I'll be stuck with thoughts of past visits.

Times like when I told him I loved the baby corn in my father's dish, and Lee sent me out my very own bowl of tiny cobs. Or when he spoke with me on a holiday break from culinary school. Masochistic lessons of standing on broom handles to strengthen my arches, and business strategy are all I have. But at least I have them, thanks to him and his expertly crafted food.

Was it the best Chinese food? Perhaps not, but it will always be a special place in my mind. As we grow older it becomes more and more important to appreciate the memories of our past. Food memories are some of the strongest forms of these memories we can create. So it is critical to create memories worth having and sharing with others. I encourage you to go out or stay in, just create a food memory worth having. 

Keep Eating,

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