Sunday, March 16, 2014

Luna Burgers

There are many debates covering the existence of veggie burgers. It may not initially seem like such a huge deal, but just watch the season three episode ten version of Parks and Recreation entitled "Soulmates". It becomes quite clear that the carnivores despise the idea of a round patty attempting to be meat; and vegetarians take offence in the attack on their lifestyle choice.

Can't we all just get along?
Yes meat is delicious, but why do we need to make a fake meat substitute?

In my opinion a good veggie "burger" doesn't attempt to resemble meat. Instead, it should be a cohesive disk of tasty vegetable matter that makes a great sandwich. (Sounds tasty right?) Vegetables are delicious enough, and although it is seemingly easy enough to create a vegetable patty- it can be difficult to find a ratio that holds together and tastes great, without being dry.

Insert Luna Burger- A local company aimed at making a tasty vegetable alternative to your standard ground beef patty.

Does it taste like meat?

Should it taste like meat?

Luna burgers are simply, a compressed loaf of vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes and basically anything that isn't meat. They hold together and aren't bone dry when heated. They aren't the prettiest thing when taken out of the box, but they are a good tasting alternative to you typical sandwich filling.

You can heat them up in several different ways, although I suggest using a lower heat if you are cooking them from a frozen state, otherwise they will remain ice cold inside. Place them between some nice toasted buns and top with an assortment of healthy greens, guacamole, or pickled vegetables; add some chutney or any other sauce, and you'll have yourself a delightful sandwich. They also make an acceptable meat substitute for soups and other things where you can used cooked ground meat.

I personally prefer the kick-starter patty and the barbecue patty over the others. The kick-starter patty is delightfully spiced with high amounts of herbs and other seasonings. As for the barbecue- simply put it is sweet with just a touch of smokey tang, a great affect if you are making them indoors.

Granted, I've not tried a Luna Burger than stands close to matching the Northstar Burger, it is a good available option. While we steadily push towards summer grilling season, it is important to keep our health and vegetarian friends in mind. So put a couple boxes of Luna Burgers in your freezer.

Keep eating,

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